Tales of Torah is a new company founded with one main goal in mind: to bridge the gap between Torah Learning and high quality digital products.
Why? Simply put, all children have different strengths and weaknesses. Chazal recognized this when they told us to teach each child according to their specific needs. Digital products have the ability to combine multiple methodologies into a single product, thus allowing different types of children to engage in their own unique way.
Founded with over 15 years of experience making Children's Educational Software which has garnered multiple awards across the globe, we're looking to bring those skillsets back home to frum children.
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After receiving a strange letter asking for his help, a young, quiet Rabbi journeys to a far away land. Along his travels he encounters stories from the Gemara. With nothing to rely on except for his emuna in Hashem, Rabbi Fisch discovers that’s all he needs to complete his quest.
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Did you know halacha states that every Mitzvah needs "Kavana" before its done? But don't worry ... as Moshe says, its so easy! All you need to do is have in mind that Hashem commanded it right before you do the action.